In the face of the escalating threat of loan fee fraud, the British Independent Retailers Association (Bira) is urging its members to heed the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) recent guidance to safeguard against scams.

The FCA is intensifying efforts to raise awareness about loan fee fraud, a growing menace that preys on unsuspecting individuals seeking financial assistance. The regulatory body is encouraging consumers to follow a simple 3-step check to protect themselves from falling victim to scams.

1. Beware of Cold Calls or Emails:

If you receive unsolicited communication, exercise caution as it could be a potential scam.

2. Avoid Upfront Fees:

Be cautious if asked to pay any upfront fees, as this is a red flag for potential fraud.

3. Watch for Unusual Payment Requests:

Scammers often demand quick or unconventional payments; therefore, be vigilant if faced with such requests.

Therese Chambers, Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight at the FCA, emphasised the importance of the 3-step check, stating, "Fraudsters will exploit any opportunity, and it's crucial to protect yourself and your loved ones from loan fee fraud. If you encounter cold calls, upfront fees, or unusual payment requests, be on high alert."

To assist individuals in verifying the legitimacy of lenders, the FCA recommends checking their loan fee fraud page and searching the lender's name on the Financial Services Register before proceeding with any loan applications. This proactive approach can help identify and avoid firms attempting to scam consumers.

This year, the FCA has collaborated with Debt Free Advice, a debt advice coalition led by Toynbee Hall, to raise awareness about the support available for individuals facing financial stress and debt challenges.

Consumers and businesses alike are reminded that dealing with unauthorised firms leaves them without coverage from the Financial Ombudsman Service or Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) in case things go awry. Bira encourages its members to stay informed and vigilant to protect themselves and their businesses from the threat of loan fee fraud.

Find out more on loan fee fraud here

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