05 June 2023

In a significant move for both organisations, Bira (British Independent Retailers Association) has recently welcomed the Association of Cycle Traders (ACT) into its group of retailers. This strategic acquisition brings more than 1,000 independent retailers under the Bira umbrella, allowing them to access and leverage the various services and benefits provided by the association. The decision comes at a crucial time when the cycle industry has witnessed a surge in popularity, driven in part by the pandemic's impact on commuting and leisure activities.

Despite the recent challenges faced by the retail industry, particularly the rising cost of living crisis impacting consumer spending, Bira recognises the long-term potential and excitement surrounding the cycle industry. With the inclusion of ACT's retailers, Bira anticipates further opportunities for growth and collaboration within this thriving sector.

Bira's decision to bring the ACT into its fold not only expands its membership base but also consolidates its position as a leading advocate and representative for independent retailers in the United Kingdom. The association has a strong track record of championing the interests of its members and influencing policy decisions that affect the retail landscape.

The acquisition of the ACT aligns with BIRA's commitment to supporting and empowering independent retailers across various sectors. The association offers a wide range of services, including advice on business development, legal and HR support, training opportunities and access to exclusive deals and discounts. By extending these benefits to the newly incorporated ACT members, Bira aims to strengthen the overall retail community and foster an environment conducive to growth and success.

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