05 June 2023

The Explosive Precursor Engagement Team as part of the Home Office has published guidance on sales of chemicals that can be used in the illicit manufacture of explosives or to cause harm.

The guidance relates to The Poisons Act 1972 and the new legislation coming into effect from 1st October 2023. If you sell regulated substances to the public, an EPP License is required before they can be legitimately sold (not required for business to business but steps must be taken to ensure the sale is for a legitimate business purpose)  

Businesses supplying regulated explosives precursors (poisons and chemicals listed here) to professional users and other businesses (i.e., those who don’t need a license) will need to take additional steps to verify the legitimacy of the professional user or business.

Bira urges all members who import, acquire, possess or use these chemicals to read the guidance on such sales here.

Protect UK has also published retailer-specific guidance on selling chemicals responsibly which you can view here.

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