The upcoming election

The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunal had called a General Election on 4th July 2024, which means Parliament has dissolved, meaning for the moment there are no MPs in office. 
No matter who forms the next Government, this is the time when we can take the opportunity to campaign the parliamentary candidates who are hoping to form that next Government. 

Bira has recently released its Manifesto for a fairer, more sustainable and diverse high street. In a rapidly changing retail landscape, we’re advocating for the needs of independent retailers and are committed to “Making the high street better”. 

Our Manifesto

The manifesto, which can be downloaded here, will be the foundation of our campaigning, engagement and collaboration for some time. 

As we approach July 4th, we will be elaborating further on each of our manifesto topics, and we aim to provide our response to the various political parties’ policies, including those that might not be announced in national media.

In the meantime

We need your support to help bring around change.
Wherever you are, you have local MPs who are working hard to canvas their constancies to gain votes, so there is no better time for you to help our collective voice to be heard. 
We have created a “Contact your MPs” page that you can use to find your local MPs, let them know the issues that concern you, and seek their support in representing independent retail needs. 

High Street Matters Podcast: Election Special

What the High Street Needs from the Government

In the third episode of High Street Matters by Bira, we dive into the pressing concerns of independent traders across the country.

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