ICO call for views on the processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions.

Do you deal with the personal data of people who might have current or previous criminal convictions? Do you understand your data protection responsibilities in this area? You can help shape future ICO work by filling in a short survey.

Organisations may process personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences, or related security measures (Article 10 data), for many reasons. For example, to safeguard vulnerable individuals or children, assess people’s suitability for employment, or assess whether a person can access services such as housing or insurance. The processing of Article 10 data is governed by a complex legislative framework.

The ICO is conducting a survey to find out if gaps exist in controllers’ awareness and understanding of the data protection requirements for processing Article 10 data.

If you are a controller and you process Article 10 data, the ICO want to hear from you.

The survey should only take 15 minutes to complete and will remain open until Friday 28 February 2020. Click the button below to take part. 

Take the survey