In this time of uncertainty, retailers are asking a lot of questions about what will happen to their energy supply should they close down their premises during the Covid-19 outbreak. Below Spiral Utilities have set out what will happen and what action you should take.

If your business has to close temporarily, no need to panic as the vast majority of your energy costs will automatically drop right off. This is because your “usage” will more or less cease and that is what drives most of your cost. As for standing-charges, don’t worry about these are they’re pretty minimal for most businesses anyway.

But our key tips for you are as follows:

  1. Firstly take all steps to take advantage of the huge financial support that is available from the Government. Far better to draw in the additional income that is available than to fall into arrears with any bills.
  2. It is very important to communicate closely with your energy suppliers. If you need to close down then you must tell them, so that they know, and keep them advised of on-going plans.
  3. Remember to send in regular meter readings, even better send in regular photographs of your meter, to evidence that there is no usage going on. This will prevent incorrectly estimated bills being issued.
  4. Avoid cancelling your energy DD’s if you possibly can. If you follow the steps above, the DD’s should be pretty small anyway with small standing charges and minimal usage.
  5. Our understanding is that energy suppliers will view clients much more favourably if you communicate with them.
  6. Finally, don’t forget that if your contracts are due for renewal, you still need to handle them as normal to avoid succumbing to out of contract rates. We are still here for you and will be in touch with you as normal to take you through the renewal process.

Spiral Utilities will update this advice as and when they hear from energy suppliers or Ofgem.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us either on or on 01204 282062.

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