We’d all like to be the first to know what the next big DIY trend is going to be. We’d all like to know what our customers are saying about us on social media. We don’t all have time to scour the internet. We’ve partnered up with Maybe* so now you can!

What is the general sentiment about hardware and DIY?

There are approximately 200 conversations per day about DIY, hardware and gardening. From data received from Maybe*, sentiment around DIY & hardware is equally split across positive, negative and neutral. There is a trend which suggests people find DIY and garden centres hard work and stressful, but there is also some chatter around plastic waste and sustainability issues especially in the garden centre space. Bira members could learn from this by creating content that showcases recycling, upcycling, energy efficiency or wildlife conservation opportunities.

What is being said about hardware and DIY?


Not surprising given the recent weather, bank holidays and the start of Spring, it is gardening and garden centre chatter which is prominent in the DIY & hardware conversations. Video content and how to’s also feature. Bira members can use this to inform their content, produce video content of their tools being used or share ideas for DIY hacks and projects.

Who’s influencing the conversation?


Influencers in each conversation may be loyal advocates or bloggers or Instagrammers to partner with. Target these people and their own audience to engage them in a relevant way based on their interests. Influencers include deal and discount sites who not only share promotions, but also create content around DIY or upcycling hacks. Not only does this content appeal to the recycling and sustainability conscious, but also a price savvy customer. Replicating this approach would meet the needs of two customer types. Some influencers are small and local businesses who are running incentives to attract customers and followers.

Some garden centres or online groups such as MND Manchester host events in local stores which gives them new content to share online and helps build relationships with local customers. If space allows, consider holding events for crafters and DIYers to meet up and make things together.

So, what have we learnt?

DIY and garden centre shopping is stressful. Content that helps shoppers with How-To Guides or ideation will work for Bira members to build engagement. Video content features in the conversation so utilize this approach to showcase expertise. Engage and reshare the DIY content out there to build relationships. There is an environmentally conscious customer, so consider this angle when creating content, focusing on trends for handmade, crafting, upcycling and saving money.

Influencers are in the cost-saving space, but local groups and organisations event-hosting in garden centre space. There is also a community of DIY and crafters so some Bira members could benefit from hosting events for the community to make things together and connect. This approach has worked well for national retailers like Hobbycraft and Maplin, so if premises size permits, this could be a great way to attract footfall as well as engagement.

Turn social media conversations into sales, on demand

Maybe* is the easy-to-use online platform, that helps independent retail businesses build conversations and insight that will drive footfall. Take your gift shop to the next level, try Maybe* today with a Bira exclusive offer.

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