19 April 2022

As of the 13th of April 2022, the face-covering rules have changed for those in Scotland.

The First Minister has confirmed that the previous legal requirement to wear face coverings has now become guidance. This is for most indoor public places and on public transport.

However, the Scottish Government are strongly recommending the general public wear face coverings where appropriate, and take sensible precautions in indoor crowded spaces and on public transport. 

Businesses can strongly recommend or require people to wear face coverings should they wish to. Except for those with exemptions, face-covering can be required in areas where the risk of transmissions is higher, or where a business's risk assessment supports the wearing of them. 

On Monday 18 April, the Scottish Government published updated guidance for people who are managing a workplace, organisation or premises, providing advice on steps you can take to help reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 to create a safer environment.

To coincide additional 'Covid Sense' Campaign assets are now available in the 'Covid Sense' Stakeholder Toolkit. The COVID-19 safety behaviours are well-known and have been a part of our everyday life for the past two years. The 'Covid Sense' Campaign aims to provide a little reminder of these behaviours and the positive impact they can have, on protecting yourself and others.

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