17 October 2022

Government conducting a review of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme

On 1st October 2022, the Government launched the Energy Bills Relief Scheme, which will provide support with energy costs relief to eligible organisations until at least 31st March 2023. In parallel, the Government has also launched a three month review which will identify businesses and organisations most at risk from higher energy costs that will still require support after 31st March, and consider the most appropriate means of providing this support.

As part of this review of the Energy Bills Relief Scheme, the Government will engage with businesses, organisations and trade associations across the UK so they can better understand energy needs, including through the use of this survey.

The survey includes questions on a range of topics, including information about your organisation, energy costs and usage, other costs and your expectations for the months ahead. Responses to the questionnaire will help inform and shape the review of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme.

All of the data you provide will be treated as confidential and not shared outside of government. The questionnaire will close at 11:55pm on Monday 24th October 2022. 

The survey asks for individual firm-level details on energy usage. The survey will close at 23.55hrs on Monday 24th October. The link to complete the questionnaire is: https://beis.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cTob3uhBoMiwgOW 

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