If you believe your business rates valuation is incorrect, you have the right to make an appeal through the VOA website.

This page gives you a simple step-by-step guide to registering for a valuation account, starting a check case, and challenging your business rates valuation.
Please note that while you can do this yourself, we strongly recommend seeking support from an RICS-registered professional. Bira has partnered up with Appeal Business Rates to offer Bira members a business rates audit & appeal service.
1. Sign in or register for a business rates valuation account
To be able to submit any appeal, you need to have a business rates valuation account.
If you already have a Government Gateway ID for other tax purposes, you can use this rather than create a new one.
You may have to go through an identity check again – but the system talks you through it.
2. Add a property to your account
Once your account is set up and active, you need to “claim” the property in order to submit an appeal. To be able to “claim” the property, you must be the bill payer or work within the organisation of the bill payer.
On the home page, you will see a box for your properties. You need to click “add a property” and then search for the property using the postcode.
Once you have found your property, click claim this property. You will then be asked to confirm whether you are the owner or occupier and when; you will then be asked to submit evidence.
You will receive a notification when the property claim has been approved. You are then ready to submit the Check Case. This can take up to 15 days to approve.
3. Start a Check Case
The appeal process is in 2 parts – Check and challenge. You need to start with a Check case. Click on Start a check case.
There are several options for submitting a Check case, and it is important to select the right one, or the case will be rejected. The system will walk you through the steps.
You will need to provide evidence to support your changes.

4. Challenge the rateable value
Once you have received the decision of the Check Case, you may want to send the VOA a ‘Challenge case’ if you think your rateable value is too high. Explain what you think it should be and provide evidence.
It is important to state to the VOA what you believe the RV should be based on your research and evidence. You need to submit the evidence, plans, photographs, comparable property details, etc.; then you need to submit a statement of the case. To do this, you need to click on Challenge Valuation.
The VOA may accept your challenge and change the rateable value.
5. Appeal the decision
If the VOA still reject your Challenge, you can ask the independent Valuation Tribunal for a review if you do not agree with the VOA’s decision on the rateable value. It is advisable to seek professional help at this stage, though.
Appeal with help from Bira to keep more of what you win...
If you're a Bira member using Appeal Business Rates to make a no-win-no-fee claim for retail relief on business rates, you will pay an exclusive discounted rate of just 27% of what you win (usually 30%).
As an example, for a win worth £10,000 you'll get to keep an extra £300 - enough to cover almost 2 years of Bira membership.
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