Scotland will enter a new five-tier system of coronavirus alert levels, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced.

The new system will come into force from November 2, 2020, when temporary restrictions on the hospitality trade are to expire.

It features five levels of measures - from ’level zero’ to four - to be applied in different areas of Scotland depending on the spread of the virus.

The top level would be close to a full lockdown, but the aim is for schools to remain open at all levels.

Key differences between the tiers in the alert system:

Level 0 - Normal - Indoor meetings allowed - maximum eight people from three households.

Fifteen people from five households can meet outdoors

Level 1 - Medium - Six people from two households can meet indoors and outdoors

Level 2 - High - No indoor meeting with other households.

Six people from two households can meet outdoors and in hospitality settings

Closing pubs indoors or severely restricting opening times

Level 3 - Very High - closing pubs indoors and outdoors. Restaurants may be able to remain open under strict conditions

Level 4 - Lockdown - closer to a full lockdown of the type the UK went into at the end of March, with non-essential shops being forced to close.

More from the Scottish Government website, click here

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